
Thursday, February 1, 2018

Zombie Legion - A Hardy Minotaur + WIP

Part of the Zombie Legion

An undead minotaur - painted in July 2017. I bought him specifically for this purpose - and instead of skinning him and hacking his limbs off, I just stuck a lot of weapons into him. It was probably the first time when I was using a heated scalpel to cut holes in a plastic miniature - quite handy, even if a bit messy too. He was fun to convert and the painting was much easier and quicker than I expected.

Numerous places in the world are festering with beastmen and Varsavia, being a woodland close to Chaos Wastes is certainly not an exception. Von Greifens often fought with them and it usually involved facing minotaurs. Those large, ravenous, bull-headed beastmen are very tough and can take a lot of punishment before they can be brought down. One of them was exceptionally resilient and it took almost an armory of weapons to kill it. Constantin found the beast especially impressive and raised it into his zombie legions, with all the spears, swords, arrows and axes still lodged in him - as a twisted souvenir of sorts. They severely limit its movability, but that doesn't make a big difference for a brain-dead zombie.

And how did he look before the painting:

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